WATERTRAK™ Packed Bed-Strong Base Anion Ion Exchangers
Source: Aquatech International Corporation
Aquatech's Ion exchange process uses Packed Bed Design. When the water enters the bed during the service cycle, it progressively comes into contact with more highly regenerated resin, which ensures production of a high quality demineralized water, minimizes chances of ionic leakage and maximizes resin bed operating capacity
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Datasheet: WATERTRAK™ Packed Bed-Strong Base Anion Ion Exchangers
Aquatech's Ion exchange process uses Packed Bed Design. When the water enters the bed during the service cycle, it progressively comes into contact with more highly regenerated resin, which ensures production of a high quality demineralized water, minimizes chances of ionic leakage and maximizes resin bed operating capacity. Regeneration can be performed faster and more efficiently, with reduced chemical consumption, less rinse water, reduced waste disposal requirements, and lower overall expense.
Datasheet: WATERTRAK™ Packed Bed-Strong Base Anion Ion Exchangers
Datasheet: WATERTRAK™ Packed Bed-Strong Base Anion Ion Exchangers
Aquatech's Ion exchange process uses Packed Bed Design. When the water enters the bed during the service cycle, it progressively comes into contact with more highly regenerated resin, which ensures production of a high quality demineralized water, minimizes chances of ionic leakage and maximizes resin bed operating capacity. Regeneration can be performed faster and more efficiently, with reduced chemical consumption, less rinse water, reduced waste disposal requirements, and lower overall expense.
- Simple design
- Inexpensive
- Greater efficiency
- Optimized vessel volume utilization
- Longer resin life
- Ideal for upgrades
- When lower regeneration waste is desired
- For longer production cycle applications
- When space is limited
- When chemical consumption is a concern
- For improved quality of treated water
Datasheet: WATERTRAK™ Packed Bed-Strong Base Anion Ion Exchangers
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