
Regal, "THE" Gas Chlorinator

The Regal gas chlorinator is an all-vacuum, direct-mount unit in which the gas is drawn from the tank through a vacuum
Chlorinators IncorporatedL GAS CHLORINATOR is a direct cylinder mounted, all-vacuum system in which chlorine gas is drawn through the unit with vacuum created by the flow of water through the ejector. If the vacuum line breaks or is damaged, the gas filter that removes impurities, while permitting flow rates up to 500 lbs./day. The unit consists of 68 parts and is designed to provide less downtime, long life, and low operating costs.

Additional features include the ejector high-pressure check valve design that resists wear and damage caused by "Water Hammer" when the system shuts off. A low-pressure check valve is also available that combines a closing spring that seals with a large diaphragm that minimizes friction loss and pressure drop. The unit's "capsulated" inlet safety valve reduces the routine cleaning and maintenance down to minutes instead of hours for other systems.

AVAILABLE CAPACATIES: 1.5, 4, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 PPD

<%=company%>, PO Box 1822, Palm City, FL 34991. Tel: 561-288-4854; Fax: 561-287-3238