Point-Of-Entry Arsenic Removal Systems
Presentation: Arsenic Removal For Household And Community Systems From 10 GPM To 1500 GPM
The Point-of-Entry Arsenic Removal System is made up of three sealed polyglass tanks, connected in series. (Tanks are also referred to as columns). The System is preceded by a 6" diameter by 20" tall sediment filter (if applicable). The System is instrumented with on/off valves, sample collection ports, pressure gauges, a flow restrictor and a totalizer
flow meter. All tanks are fitted with a valved head assembly to control inflow, outflow or by-pass. All fittings and connections within the System are 1 I.D. (one inch inside diameter). The System occupies approximately three to four (3-4) square feet of floor space. Every ATS system is built with equipment, parts and fittings that meet NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components-Health Effects.
Water flows from the existing pressure tank(s) through the softener system (if applicable) to the sediment filter (if applicable) into Column 1, the first tank of the System. Column 1 contains ATS A/P Complex 2002 Oxidation Media, with the primary function to oxidize Arsenic III to Arsenic V. Water flows from Column 1 to Column 2. Column 2 is filled with ATS A/I Complex 2000 Arsenic Adsorption Media. Column 2 operates as the primary "worker" column to remove total* arsenic. Treated water from Column 2 flows to Column 3. Column 3 is identical to Column 2. Column 3 operates as a back up "guard" column. When the "worker" column becomes exhausted, it will be removed from service. Then column 3 is moved up in line in the train, and a new "guard" column will be added to the system.
All of the treated water from the System flows through a Carbon Filter Unit containing Coconut Shell Carbon to remove any objectionable tastes or odors from the well water. The water flows from the Carbon Filter Unit to the main water line supplying the house. The System operates at pressures not to exceed 80 psi. The System can process a flow rate up to 12 gallons per minutes for the As/1200 and 8 gallons per minutes for the As/800. (Higher flow rate systems are available upon request.)
*Total Arsenic is defined as dissolved inorganic Arsenic III and V.
- Treats all water used in the home
- Removes Total* Arsenic III and Arsenic V to below 2 parts per billion
- ATS adsorption and oxidation media are certified according to NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects
- Fail safe redundant system design
- Modular system with flexibility for additional treatment options
- Minimal space requirements (3 square feet)
- No maintenance requirements for homeowner
- Automated flow through system
- No backwash, no use of hazardous chemicals, liquid waste stream or hazardous waste
- Performance warranty available
- Provides a good tasting beverage
- Provides bright clear water
- Affordable cost for safe water
* Total Arsenic is defined as dissolved inorganic Arsenic III & V
Presentation: Arsenic Removal For Household And Community Systems From 10 GPM To 1500 GPM