MULTIFLO™: High Rate Clarification And Softening Process
Veolia Water Technologies’ premier clarification process MULTIFLO™ has been innovated to include a Turbomix™ draft tube reactor and water softening chemistry for a new High-Rate Softening solution.
Veolia Water Technologies’ premier clarification process MULTIFLO™ has been innovated to include a Turbomix™ draft tube reactor and water softening chemistry for a new High-Rate Softening solution. Designed to optimize the efficiency of the precipitation and flocculation reaction, Turbomix™ ensures optimum utilization of all chemicals, enhanced reaction kinetics, and a smaller tank footprint.
The process incorporates chemical precipitation with sludge thickening, producing a highly concentrated sludge that can be easily dewatered. MULTIFLO™ is suitable for treating water with an average to high suspended and precipitated solids content.
Veolia Oil & Gas is able to offer solutions to fit your needs. Our trailer-mounted Multiflo™ pilot treatment unit enables us to demonstrate the process performance on site at your facility and to provide a performance guarantee for your application.
- Compact Design
- Easy to Operate
- Flexible and Robust Treatment
- Improved Sludge Handling
- Application Expertise
- Performance Guarantee