
Heat-Pulse Groundwater Flowmeter

Using the Model 40 GEOFLO Meter, flow direction and water flow rate at a single well is determined simultaneously and
KVAodel 40 GEOFLO Meter, flow direction and water flow rate at a single well is determined simultaneously and without pump tests. The direct velocity measurements, combined with concurrent water elevation measurements can identify local recharge conditions caused by leaking water mains, septic systems or storm drains. Field measurements take only 5 minutes. Usually 4 ten-ft. screened wells can be profiled (3 locations each) during an 8 hr. workday. Digital readout of the instrument is given in four discrete vector components, which can be readily resolved to direction and velocity. Other features include:

•Hazardous Waste Plume Tacking and Source Identification
•Determining Groundwater Treatment Recirculation Patterns
•Defining Zones of Contribution of Municipal Wells
•Septic System and Well Separation Assessment
•Initial Site Investigation
•Assessment of Site Liability
•Plume Monitoring
S•pill Containment and Cleanup

<%=company%>, Madaket Place B12/13, 766 Falmouth Rd., Mashpee, MA 02649. Tel: 508-539-3002; Fax: 508-539-3566