
FS100 Flow Straightener

FS100 Flow Straightener

Farmers, irrigation dealers and water district engineers will find the McCrometer McPropeller Meter and the FS100 Flow Straightener are the ideal solution for water metering programs in agriculture and turf irrigation.

Farmers, irrigation dealers and water district engineers will find the McCrometer Mc Propeller Meter and the FS100 Flow Straightener are the ideal solution for water metering programs in agriculture and turf irrigation. The Mc Propeller’s advanced design delivers highly accurate liquid flow measurement in a rugged space-saving design that reduces installation costs, offers long-life and requires minimal maintenance.

The FS100 Flow Straightener provides breakthrough flow straightening technology that virtually eliminates the upstream / downstream straight pipe runs typically required in existing or new flow meter applications. Requiring only 1.5 straight pipe diameters upstream and 0-0.5 downstream, the FS100 Flow Straightener when installed with the McPropeller slashes typical installation piping and labor costs by more than 50 percent, which makes it the right fit in both retrofit and brand new installations.

Key features include:

  • Line Sizes: 8 through 12 inches
  • Straight Run: Needs only 1.5 diameters upstream, 0-0.5 diameter downstream
  • Built-in flow straightener that conditions flow to remove swirl and other disturbances for highly accurate, reliable liquid flow measurement
  • Operates in both clean and dirty flows
  • Can be installed in close proximity to chemigation, butterfly and gate valves, out-of-plane elbows and reducers