Aqua-Jet® SS-PW Aerator for Drink Water Applications

Aqua-Jet® aerators are installed in a wide variety of wastewater treatment schemes including activated sludge systems such as SBRs, MSBRs and extended aeration, as well as aerobic digesters, sludge holding, and equalization basins. It is also UL approved for TTHM stripping in potable water applications.
Aqua-Jet® aerators are installed in a wide variety of wastewater treatment schemes including activated sludge systems, such as SBRs, MSBRs and extended aeration, as well as aerobic digesters, sludge holding, and equalization basins. Aqua-Jet aerators are also incorporated into lagoon applications such as complete mix, partial mix (facultative) and dual-power multi-cellular systems.
UL Approved for TTHM Stripping Applications
The Aqua-Jet aerator has been approved by UL to meet ANSI/NSF STANDARD 61 requirements for use in potable water applications. The approval includes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 HP units designated as model SS-PW and can be utilized for TTHM stripping applications or circulation in potable water treatment systems and reservoirs with a minimum volume of 100,000 gallons.
TTHM stripping involves the removal of Total Trihalomethane (TTHM), which represents a group of volatile organic compounds formed by the interaction of organic precursors in raw source water and free chlorine added for disinfection.
The Aqua-Jet aerator model SS-PW offers a lower cost aeration solution for TTHM stripping applications from the perspective of capital, installation and operating cost when compared to diffused, or other spray forms of aeration.
Wastewater Applications
- Retrofit in existing aeration systems including: extended aeration, aerobic digestion, equalization, aerated lagoons
- Oxidation ditches
- Variable load, activated sludge systems
- Diurnal flows, less than design conditions
- Batch reactor processes
- Long residence time processes in cold climates
Potable Water Applications
- TTHM Stripping
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