ACE14: Visit Aquionics And Learn About Groundbreaking UV Technology

ACE14 is the place to be this June, with thousands of water experts descending on the beautiful city of Boston, Mass for the annual conference and exposition. As usual Aquionics will be there with some exciting new UV disinfection technology to show off. The company will be at Booth 1752, along with its Halma sister company Palintest, a specialist in water testing.
This year Aquionics will be demonstrating UV technologies for municipal and industrial water treatment applications. As well as its existing UV range for municipal water and wastewater treatment and reuse, the company will also be talking about its brand new Amaline system. A highly compact, low pressure, high output (LPHO) multi-lamp UV system, Amaline packs a powerful punch despite its small size, with the highest lamp power density of any similar-sized system. Added to that, new patent-pending hydraulics create a rotational liquid flow, ensuring extensive mixing of the fluid and optimal disinfection performance while minimizing head-loss.
Added to that will be the Pearl line of UV-LED disinfection systems – the first of its kind. Visitors can learn about the PearlAqua, PearlSense and UV Connect. The PearlAqua is a mercury-free, low power UV-C LED disinfection unit for low flow applications. The Pearl Sense is a UV-C LED transmittance monitor available in a handheld battery powered model and in-process model for open channel installation or direct placement into a pressurized pipe. Aquionics’ UV Connect is a telemetry system that connects to a user’s control panel, broadcasting critical operating information such as alarms and lamp hours to the user’s smartphone or tablet device.
Palintest will be demonstrating its new water and environmental testing kits aimed at rural communities, in addition to some exciting news related to US EPA approval of sensor technology for chemical testing.
About Aquionics
By utilizing its 30 years of UV market experience and by partnering with key technology specialists, Aquionics has revolutionized the UV industry and deployed a new line of mercury-free, UV-C LED products – the Pearl brand. These products are targeted towards high value applications in the areas of water/air/surface disinfection, water quality analysis and connectivity. pr
Aquionics also sells and services UV disinfection equipment in the municipal and industrial markets and has hundreds of installations all over North America. Working with consultants, cities and municipalities, as well as with the biggest names in food, beverage, electronics, pharmaceutical, aquaculture, pools and leisure, the company has gained valuable insights into its customers’ requirements and specialized applications. This enables Aquionics to offer not only the most technologically advanced UV systems, but a complete product portfolio for all markets. Aquionics is a Halma company. For more information, visit
Source: ACE14