News | April 12, 2005

AdEdge Technologies AD26 Systems Remove Arsenic, Manganese and Iron

Source: ChartWater AdEdge

Innovative Treatment Brings Commercial and Public Water System Drinking and Process Water Into Compliance With Multiple Contaminant Regulations

AdEdge Technologies' new AD26 Series Systems are the proven choice for the treatment of iron, manganese, and arsenic in public water systems. The AD26 Series systems offer reliable and efficient arsenic, iron, manganese and sulfide removal; long life; performance over range of water quality; high catalytic/oxidation activity for co-precipitation; and a low capital cost option for small systems."> Atlanta, GA — AdEdge Technologies Inc., a nationally recognized company in arsenic removal, is offering the AD26 Series Systems for the iron, manganese, and arsenic treatment in public water systems. Already a proven arsenic removal technology, the AD26 Series has become an effective solution for bringing drinking and process water into regulatory compliance for iron and manganese. The AD26 Series technology is effective in removing arsenic, iron, and manganese, particularly with commercial and community water systems that are facing the challenges of complying with the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) arsenic standard of 10 parts per billion (ppb).

AD26 Series Systems are an ideal solution for eliminating nuisance parameters and improving overall water quality. AD26 systems are pre-engineered, packaged treatment systems that utilize AdEdge’s AD26 solid phase manganese dioxide media in conventional pressure vessels. The systems are skidmounted and integrated with automatic backwashing, control valves, and a control panel with pressure gauges, flow meters/totalizers, sampling valves and other instruments that make up a complete unit. The AD26 systems may be utilized as either stand alone units or as a complement to AdEdge’s arsenic adsorption systems. For arsenic removal, Adedge utilizes Bayoxide E/AD33, the company’s granular ferric oxide media that reduces up to 99 percent of total arsenic, including both arsenic (III) and arsenic (V). Bayoxide media is also effective in reducing other heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, antimony, and molybdenum. AdEdge already has successfully implemented the technology in multiple public drinking water systems across the United States.

AD-26 systems utilize a proprietary NSF-certified media packaged in a pre-engineered skid-mounted system. These systems were originally designed for well head treatment where high iron co-exists with arsenic, but can treat solely for iron, manganese, or sulfides. Often arsenic is accompanied with iron and/or manganese, which can foul performance of the treatment system. The contaminants are coprecipitated and filtered in the media bed. The AD26 Series can achieve treatment efficiencies for these contaminants to meet either primary and secondary drinking water standards, or stringent discharge permits.

Arsenic has a natural affinity for oxidized iron in groundwater. If not designed properly, iron concentrations can easily foul, or inhibit, arsenic adsorption media-based processes. Higher arsenic concentrations (>25 ppb) and iron concentrations necessitate a two-step process using AD26 pretreatment in combination with an E/AD33 Arsenic Adsorption system. The arsenic system is for polishing, particularly to attain the EPA’s new drinking water MCL.

Small water systems and private well owners are strongly encouraged to have their water tested for arsenic and other contaminants and to explore appropriate treatment options. If there are iron, manganese, or arsenic concentrations detected, it is important to select the appropriate treatment scheme - one that will remove iron, manganese and both arsenic III and V, require minimal maintenance, has no hazardous waste and is cost effective. To find out more about the AD26 Series or for more information about arsenic issues and water treatment options, please contact AdEdge Technologies here.

SOURCE: ChartWater AdEdge