• PAX Mixers

    The PAX Mixer design is based on rigorous scientific analysis of fluid mechanical principles to achieve rapid disinfectant blend time. The mixers are designed for energy efficiency and engineered for ease of installation.

  • Capital Controls® CHLOR-A-VAC® Series 1520 Chemical Industion Unit

    The Series 1520 CHLOR-A-VAC® affords high efficiency addition and mixing of gases and liquid chemicals resulting in substantial chemical cost savings.

  • Trident® HS Package Water Treatment Plant

    The Trident HS package water treatment plant provides multi-barrier protection for difficult-to-treat surface water, groundwater, industrial process water, and tertiary wastewater. The multi-barrier design of the Trident HS, which consists of packaged high-rate settling, adorption clarification, mixed media filtration and optional UV disinfection, is the latest improvement of the original Trident system.

  • TrojanUV3000Plus — Wastewater Disinfection System

    The TrojanUV3000Plus® is one of the reasons why UV treatment is now a favored technology in wastewater treatment. Often touted as a flagship UV system, it has demonstrated effective and reliable performance around the world. In fact, over 2,000 municipalities rely on it to disinfect over 30 billion gallons of wastewater every day.

  • TrojanUVFlex – Drinking Water Disinfection System

    The TrojanUVFlex is designed with features to make installation and operation simpler, faster, and more cost-effective than ever before. Built on the proven TrojanUV Solo Lamp Technology platform, TrojanUVFlex allows for energy-efficient high-intensity delivery of UV light in an extremely compact footprint.


In this episode of Water Talk, we sit down with Taylor Gledhill from Blue-White Industries to discuss simplifying chemical feed through innovation. 



Wastewater disinfection takes place after primary, secondary and sometimes tertiary wastewater treatment. It is typically a final step to remove organisms from the treated water before the effluent is released back into the water system. Disinfection prevents the spread of waterborne diseases by reducing microbes and bacterial numbers to a regulated level.

A variety of physical and chemical methods are used to disinfect wastewater prior to it being released into natural waterways. Historically, the chemical agent of choice for municipal wastewater treatment has been chlorine, due to its disinfecting properties and low cost. However, the rising cost of chlorine and concerns that low chlorine concentrations can still be toxic to fish and other wildlife, has given rise to more physical methods of wastewater disinfection being adopted such as ozonation or ultraviolet (UV) light.  

The use of ozone as a disinfection agent has the added benefit of increasing the dissolved oxygen content of the treated wastewater. However, because the ozone has to be generated, ozonation can require prohibitive up-front capital expenditure compared to traditional chlorination. UV disinfection has been growing in popularity as a wastewater disinfection method, in large part because of the life-cycle economics of the equipment and the fact that, like ozone, there is no toxic residual.